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Our News

Boosting productivity and quality control in food labs through LIMS

Food and beverage testing is an essential practice within food manufacturing. Not only fundamental for label accuracy, testing is necessary for product quality assurance, regulatory compliance and is an ultimate driving force behind consumer safety.  Driven by a combination of regulatory developments, growth in the food processing industry and the globalisation of the...

by Beth Taylor on 25-Mar-2024

Customer Quotes

Mercian Science Jonathan Usher & Vicky Hall

We’ve been using the current AIS LIMS software for approximately 17 years, so we are very comfortable with the system and it forms the backbone of our processes. Our system has evolved with technical help from the support team at AIS and we work...

Nicholls Colton James Gane

We’re relatively new to the AIS LIMS software as it was installed only six months ago. We will be continually expanding on our user capability over the next few months to get the most out of the software. Through usage we are identifying new...

Glasgow Scientific Tracy Macbeth - Laboratory Manager

Glasgow Scientific Services, one of the largest Local Authority Public Analyst Services in the UK, has been using AIS LIMS since 2000, processing some 30,000 diverse sample types every year. The initial capital investment in moving to AIS LIMS was...

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